

In this game you have to grow a carnivorous plant to sell its pollen.

It will grow if you manage to feed it enough to keep it at maximum satiety, but be careful, a catastrophe could happen if you don't feed it.

If you don't manage to stabilise her hydration, the price of her pollen will fall and if she really isn't hydrated enough, she'll die.

To achieve all this you can hire more workers for each task, increase the weight they can carry and adjust their speed.

Good luck and keep your fingers to yourself.


 - Art by Osvald : https://www.instagram.com/osvald_linds_?igsh=bnpzOTAxZ2Vqamg= 

- Music by Cosmic https://www.instagram.com/theo_cosmic/

- Additional sounds found on Freesound.org by Qleq ,lwdickens and TheDragonsSpark

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